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Eating at the Worst-Rated Thai Food Restaurant in Canada (on Tripadvisor)
Eating at the Worst-Rated Thai Food Restaurant in Canada (on Tripadvisor)

นอกจากการเรียนรู้เนื้อหาของบทความ Eating at the Worst-Rated Thai Food Restaurant in Canada (on Tripadvisor) นี้แล้ว ติดตามเนื้อหาเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ด้านล่าง right


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Eating at the Worst-Rated Thai Food Restaurant in Canada (on Tripadvisor).

tripadvisor restaurant.

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28 thoughts on “Eating at the Worst-Rated Thai Food Restaurant in Canada (on Tripadvisor) | สรุปเนื้อหาtripadvisor restaurantล่าสุด

  1. AllezNick says:

    As Thais, I don't know what the first menu is. The closest one I can guess is "ขนมจีน". However, we don't put any shrimp on it. So I don't know what to call.

    We have various Chicken wings. Hard to tell until testing it. But it seems ok by just looking.

    Pad-Thai in the third doesn't look even close for me. Where is Chives leaves? Lacking of some ingredient overthere may force them to improvised our food.

    P.S. Thailand = country. But if you want to talk about people, you can just call Thais – Not a Taiwanese which is Chinese Taipei. Different country. Anyway fun video and greeting from Bangkok. Cheers !!!

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