39 thoughts on “Why Wagyu Beef Is So Expensive | So Expensive | login music & restaurantข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องล่าสุดทั้งหมด

  1. Michael MyYears says:

    Hahahaha if u really want to know how wagyu is made and why they cornered the market of beef the way they did with all the pad and pending devices that are being stored and shelved for future profit! If u really want to know ill send u my insight information about it no charge just ur time in reading what i know about this marketing scheme because i was there when wagyu came to america . I was there to hear the real truth and the story they put together with some facts about how they came to be! But incase u dont have time ill wrire a short summary here! An amaerican cowboy bought 3 wagyu cows from japan to breed with american cows along side he had to buy off the method in making wagyu and it all came down changing grain! Having to switch from building mussle to over lapping it with fat then switch again to get that nice web of fat people look for and there u have it! Ill give u the company name too but thats aside so my comment wont get deleted for mentioning them

ส่งความเห็นที่ Jack Ward ยกเลิกการตอบ

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